monkey biz

Cliché-themed game created across continents

duration, year
4 weeks, Nov - Dec 2022


location, type
Earth, Personal


the team
S. Alexx Zaki, GameOff Team (+5)


skills, tools
Game Design, Collaboration, Unity, Discord, Figma


my responsibilities
Story, Gameplay, Mechanics, Strategy, Interactions, Characters, Experience, Balance


techniques used
Top-down Low-level Design, Cliché mindset, Project management


In the spirited realm of GitHub’s GameOff2022, a visionary game designer assembled a global team to create a unique game that embodies the theme of "cliché," leveraging diverse talents from around the world.

The Challenge:

Orchestrating a cohesive development process with team members scattered across the multiverse... I mean, various time zones, balancing full-time jobs and studies, all while fostering a collaborative environment to bring a shared vision to life within the course of exactly a month (Nov 1 - Dec, 1).


Collaborative Dynamics:

The team, comprising two game developers, a sound designer, a UI designer, and a graphic designer, thrived on mutual respect and democratic design ethos, ensuring every voice was heard and integrated into the game’s development.

Creative Process:

Ideation to MVP was a journey of synchronized talents, utilizing Discord for communication, Figma for design, Unity for development, and GitHub for version control, culminating in a game that, despite not winning, received valuable feedback and showcased the team’s collective skills.

We began by meeting online, brainstorming ideas to align with the "cliché" theme. Our goal was merge diverse perspectives into a singular, innovative concept.

Using Figma, we collaboratively designed the game's interface and aesthetics, ensuring every element reflects our collective vision.

Utilizing Unity, we transformed our designs into a playable game, integrating code, graphics, and sound in a cohesive development environment.

Rigorous testing sessions helped us identify and rectify issues, refining the game to ensure a seamless user experience.

We released the game on, embracing the community's reactions and critiques to inform our future creative endeavors.

We began by meeting online, brainstorming ideas to align with the "cliché" theme. Our goal was merge diverse perspectives into a singular, innovative concept.

Using Figma, we collaboratively designed the game's interface and aesthetics, ensuring every element reflects our collective vision.

Utilizing Unity, we transformed our designs into a playable game, integrating code, graphics, and sound in a cohesive development environment.

Rigorous testing sessions helped us identify and rectify issues, refining the game to ensure a seamless user experience.

We released the game on, embracing the community's reactions and critiques to inform our future creative endeavors.


This project exemplified the convergence of various skill sets, resulting in a game that was not only a representation of the team’s hard work but also an opportunity to engage with the global game development community, gaining insights and feedback.

Outcome and Reflections:
The experience was a testament to the power of remote collaboration and diversity in game development, highlighting the team's adaptability, creativity, and commitment to delivering a meaningful gaming experience within a condensed timeframe. Here's what I learned - anything is possible if you try hard enough.

What else

Disclaimer: This is probably the most buggy game you will have ever played.

Made with love by the A-Team.

Cheers :)

Play Monkey Biz - Game Off 2022

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Animation by Artemiy on LottieFiles